Cicak Bin Kadal
Top 10 List of Week 06
Timothy Efraim Hotasi --- Bogor

Top 10 List of Week 06

  1. The fork() System Call
    This is a website that provides basic concept about system call fork(). This website helps my understanding about fork() because it’s simple and explained very well. It also provide pictures on how the process works, making it more understandable.

  2. Unix Pipeline (Brian Kernighan) - Computerphile
    This is a YouTube video about Pipeline concept, one of the things that involved on how processes communicate. Besides that, Professor Brian Kernighan also explain the benefits of pipeline, which turns out quite a lot. His explanation is very understandable, making this an interesting video to watch.

  3. Process vs Thread: What’s the difference?
    These two terms got me confused as I tend to mixed them up. Turns out, both are related as explained that Thread is an execution unit that is part of a process. This website explains both process and thread concept and their differences briefly and clear.

  4. Concurrency vs Parallelism
    This is a YouTube video explaining the difference of Concurrency and Parallelism. These terms are quite similar for me as both working on multiple processes. Turns out, these typically used to specify different types of multithreaded behaviour. This video comes with textual version as well. A very good and concise explanation.

  5. Multithreading Code - Computerphile
    This is a YouTube video about the concept of multithreading code. It’s a very interesting video if you want to know the concept on how multithreading works. Personally, it’s the most complete and interesting one for me because there’s a unique, very unique explanation that you guys can check it out yourself!

  6. Shared Memory Systems
    This is a YouTube video about one of the Interprocess Communication models, Shared Memory. I’m having a hard time on this topic reading it from slides that lecturer provided. It explains its definition, process, problem that requires shared memory (producer-consumer), and also about buffers. Through this video, it helps me understand more about it.

  7. Differences between fork and exec
    This is a discussion forum answering question about fork and exec differences. There are answers that explains their relationship aswell, making it very helpful to understand both of terms.

  8. How to use signal handlers in C language?
    This is a website explaining about signal handlers. It covers from signal definition, handling, and how to use it. Provided with examples on its usage, this website is good source for learning.

  9. Google Chrome is a MEMORY HOG
    This is a YouTube video explains about one problem that occurs in our beloved Chrome browser, its memory consume. Why? In short, Chrome browser is a multiprocess that splits each tab (webpage) into its own process (sandboxing), in order to avoid browser crash when there’s a problem on one or more webpage. It’s a very interesting video to watch for sure.

  10. Understanding Processes on Linux
    This is a tutorial that explains about processes on Linux. It’s a detailed tutorial, explaining from what processes are, how processes identified on Linux system, its background and foreground processes, and many more. Provided with diagrams, pictures, and step-by-step commands, it’s very worth to read!

© 2021-2021 --- Timothy Efraim Hotasi.