Cicak Bin Kadal
Top 10 List of Week 04
Timothy Efraim Hotasi --- Bogor

Top 10 List of Week 04

  1. Where did Bytes Come From? – Computerphile
    This is a YouTube video about the origins of bytes. Why does 1 byte come with 8-bit? Back in the days, computers were word-based. Since word-based consumed more power and it wasted some of bits that was not being used on early days of number computation, IBM decided to suggest a standardization of bytes, that comes with 8-bit, which then become an acceptable standard for computing back then.

  2. C - Pointers
    To understand pointer, you must first understand pointer. Jokes aside, I haven’t studied C before this OS course, so this website is perfect for those who don’t really know or forget about pointer, as it explains the definition, usability, and implementation example of pointer.

  3. Uses for multiple levels of pointer dereferences?
    This is a website explaining a question that I’ve been asking to myself when reading this week course material about pointers. What’s the purpose of pointer of pointer of pointer (multiple pointers)? There are quite useful answers about it. One of the answer To become a three star programmer got to my attention.

  4. Endianness Explained With an Egg – Computerphile
    This is a YouTube video explaining about endian number, consisting of Big and Little endian. First time of knowing this is when I was taking Introduction to Digital System course. It’s quite hard to distinguish both back then. Not until now, where Dr. Steve Bagley explain them with an egg analogy, which making me more understandable to differentiate it. In this video, Dr. Steve also explains behind the reason of these two endian concepts exist.

  5. Memory Management in OS: Contiguous, Swapping, Fragmentation
    This website is explaining memory management, from definition to techniques. It also provides other explanation about this week course, such as swapping, memory allocation, paging, and so on which makes this website quite complete, yet briefly explained.

  6. Difference between physical/logical/virtual memory address
    This website explains the difference between physical, logical, and virtual memory address, as I came across these terms in this week material. Turns out, these memory addresses play a role in memory management of a computer system.

  7. Virtual Memory: 5 Page Tables
    This is a YouTube video explaining about page tables. There are lots of terms that I haven’t heard of in this video, but the way the presenter explains is good that I got rough idea about it, such as why does it called ‘page tables’, what does page tables serve for, and others.

  8. Linux Basics: Static Libraries vs. Dynamic Libraries
    This is an article about Linux Libraries in general. It also explains the difference between static and dynamic libraries, from its advantages and disadvantages. It also provides the creation of library, which I think could be useful. Personally, this article is comprehensive but requires to login. I found alternative article if you guys are too lazy to login, but it still explaining the same thing.

  9. 32 bit vs 64 bit
    I’ve come across 32 and 64-bit architecture when reading OSC chapter 9, where it’s explaining about its segmentation, paging architecture, and such. This got me curious on what these architecture offers regarding to its difference. Provided with animated illustration, this video explains very good and clear.

  10. Apple Goes ARM: The RISC Revolution
    There’s an ongoing hype regarding to Apple’s CPU transition on its desktops and laptops, from Intel to Apple-designed chips based on ARM64 architecture. Rumors says it’s going to offer better performance and better power consumption. But what’s ARM really is? Well, this video perfectly explains it, and some of historical background between ARM and Apple itself.

© 2021-2021 --- Timothy Efraim Hotasi.