Cicak Bin Kadal
Top 10 List of Week 05
Timothy Efraim Hotasi --- Bogor

Top 10 List of Week 05

  1. How to Use the Linux top Command (and Understand Its Output)
    This website is a guide on how to use Linux __top__ command. It contains a lot of information about it, from its origin, terms, and everything that you can do with __top__ command, which is why I recommend it.

  2. Virtual Memory: 3 What is Virtual Memory?
    This is a YouTube video about virtual memory. Just like the title says, it’s an introduction about virtual memory on its definition, purposes, as well as the problems that virtual memory can handle, which explained very well.

  3. Difference between Demand Paging and Segmentation
    This website explaining the differences between two implementation of virtual memory. There’s not much information about segmentation implementation of virtual memory, but luckily this website provides it, making it a good source.

  4. What are the Page Replacement Algorithms?
    This is a blog explaining about page replacement algorithms. The explanation comes with step by step examples and pictures. It also comes with advantages and disadvantages of the algorithms explained, making it more clear and understandable.

  5. Allocation of frames in Operating System
    This is a website explaining about frame allocation which being used in demand paging implementation, together with page replacement algorithms. Besides that, it also provide information about its algorithms and its kinds, which I think makes this website well packaged.

  6. Thrashing
    This is a page about thrashing, one of the problem in allocation frame. Explained in Indonesian, it’s more understandable for myself. You can find other material about virtual memory as well in this page.

  7. What are demand-paging and pre-paging?
    This is a blog about demand paging and pre-paging. Pre-paging is quite similar to demand paging, but there’s a different in terms of which pages being proccesed. It’s a neat website, making it more readable.

  8. Virtual Memory: 8 Page Faults
    This is a YouTube video explaining about page faults, one of the common, yet painful problem in virtual memory for its time consuming handling. How long you may ask? Well, this video answers for itself, with a great explanation from the teacher.

  9. What are the differences between virtual memory and physical memory?
    This is a website forum discussing question about the differences between virtual and physical memory. One of the answers is very depth and detailed, provided with examples that I think worth to check out.

  10. What is Non Uniform Memory Access? (AKIO TV)
    This is a YouTube video explaining about NUMA (Non Uniform Memory Access). From this video, I get to learn that NUMA is a system that helps connect multiple CPUs to computer memory. A very interesting topic to watch.

© 2021-2021 --- Timothy Efraim Hotasi.